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Mason Brown


I'm just your average guy who was born and raised in the small town of Tomahawk, WI.


​At the age of 4 I received my first video game/console, which happened to be Pokemon Yellow for the GameBoy Color. I loved it, I was intrigued by every aspect of it, and I couldn't put it down. Ever since that day, I have had a very strong love for not only the game itself, but for what goes into one. I knew from that day so long ago, that I wanted to make these one day.​


When I turned 18, my mind didn't change, I got ready for college, and moved out to Minnesota with girlfriend (now fiance), to Minneapolis Media Institute where my dream would start to come to life. While in college my skills have grown exceptionally, and I have learned from some of the best that have previously worked in the business. My work is heavily influenced by large, open world games, and a lot of RPG's. The most influential games would be The Legend of Zelda series, which has been with me since almost the beginning, and the more current Dragon Age series. My work takes on the feel of some of these games, but also adds its own uniqueness to it.


I appreciate you checking out my work, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it!

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